Turning Your Book Idea into a Reality
High Touch, Personalized Service
Custom Publishing
Highly Personalized Service
For Those Special Book Projects
We are not an online, fill in the blank book publisher … although our prices rival those of automated, high volume book publishing services – we take you ‘by the hand’ and walk you through the incredible book creation journey. We do it all for you … we take your vision and ideas and turn them into a book that generations will appreciate.
Global Village Publishing is a successful international book publisher with over 180 publications in over 50 countries. Now that we’ve mastered the processes ourselves, we’ve made the strategic decision to work with select individuals and organizations that have an important story to tell.
Turning a book idea into reality is for many a 'someday' project - our expert team take care of every aspect of your book idea.
Now 'someday' has a delivery date
Our Services

We help conceive, research, and develop book ideas

Ghost Writing
We can ghost write books for that special project

We edit the writing already produced

Design & Illustration
Our graphics design team are very talented

Proof Reading
We love books and we love to read. Our proof readers are some of the best.